31st BCS Viva Ques 2012
Collected from
BCS: our goal group.
Nahid Khan,
Salma Ripa,
Chowdhury Sagar,
Mehedi Hasan, Sanaul Alam Somu,
Imran Sumel
Date: 12.04.2012
Board chairman: Qazi Nasirul Islam (Former Joint Secretary)
Board members: Asst. Chief Engr (RHD), Bridge specialist (pagol banay dise)
1st choice: Roads & Highways, 2nd choice: PWD (Technical)
Subject: Civil Engineering
Duration: 15-20min
1. Name,
2. Educational background, passing year, about institution,
3. Fathers name & occupation
4. What is your aim as an engineer,
5. Choice list,
6. Why RHD & PWD? Why not Water Development Board?
7. What are the factors to be considered in foundation design of Bridge,
8. Well foundation. Cassion, Pier, Pile,
9. Bridge design criteria, loads,
10. River training,
11. How Pile construction is done @ river,
12. How dewatering is done,
13. Cofferdam, sheet pile,
14. Cassion pressure,
15. If you get better opportunity will u leave the job, why technical choice only, why civil service (thakbato …… pore chole jabanato!!!)
16. What are the factors to be considerd in construction of a road in a village where only agricultural field is available,
17. How alignment should be done
18. Name of the sector commanders, name of the training camps
19. Jamuna Bridge foundation.
20. What r u doing now?
Board: Syed hasinur Rahman, Mazhar sir (BUET), external
Choice: RHD>PWD
Duration: 15 min 12/04/12
Subject: Civil (1st person of board)
1) Educational background
2) District
3) undergraduate thesis topics and work
4) prsent job work
5)Flexible & rigid pave x-sec
6) Rcc & pc difference
7)some bmd
8)some sfd
9)why Rhd
10)Cost optimization
11)about my result in b.sc
12) thesis grade and major minor sub
13)work interset in which field
14)onek boro responsibility kmn kore nebe
15)about my grade in transport subjects...
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১২/০৪/১২ ইং
বোর্ডঃ হাসিন স্যার
ডানেঃ মাজহার স্যার( ইয়েস বেবি, ইয়েস)
বামেঃ আগন্তুক
১ম পছন্দঃ সড়ক ও জনপথ
২য় পছন্দঃ প্রশাসন
চেয়ারম্যান সাহেবঃ আসো, বসো, বুয়েট ? হুম, বোথ ক্যাডার পরীক্ষা দাওনি ? পাস করনি ? (করসি)
তাহলে এখানে কী ?
আগন্তুকঃ ১ম পছন্দ মনে হয় সওজ
চেয়ারম্যান সাহেবঃ হুম, এখন কী করছো ? ওখানে কী করো ?
চেয়ারম্যানঃ বলো, সেক্টর কমান্ডারদের কে কে এখন জীবিত আছেন ?
(আবু ওসমান চৌঃ চাদপুরের প্রশাসক)
চেয়ারঃ জেলা প্রশাসক? (জী স্যার) পুরোটা বলতে হয় না? (সরি স্যার, সি আর দত্ত, কে এম শফিউল্লাহ..................শিট, ভুইল্লা গেসি............মেজর রফিকুল ইসলাম) উনি এখন কোথায় আছেন ? (জানি না স্যার) ইউ শুড নো দিস, হে ইস আ পারলামেন্টারি মেম্বার অভ দি রুলিং পাটি(সরি স্যার) লালন শাহ ব্রিজ কোন কোন উপজেলাকে কানেক্ট করেছে ? (ঈশ্বরদী ও কুমারখালি) নো নো নো নো (তাহলে ঈশ্বরদী ও ভেড়ামারা) হ্যাঁ, এইবার হয়েছে(বাচলাম রে ভাই)
মাজারঃ সওজ কেন ১ম পছন্দ? (ডেভেলপিং কান্ট্রির অগ্রসর হওয়ার প্রথম শর্ত উন্নত যোগাযোগ ব্যবস্থা, তাই)
আগন্তুকঃ অন্যান্য ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং ও তো ছিল (সওজ তে প্রোমোশন এর রেট বেশি, তাই)
মাজাঃ সাবজেক্ট কী কী? (এনভাইরনমেন্ট, স্ট্রাকচার) তাহলে রোডস দিয়েছো কেন? (ট্রান্সপোর্ট, স্ট্রাকচার নিতে চেয়েছিলাম, পাই নি) সিজিপিএ কত? (৩.৪৬) ভেরী গুড, থিসিস টাইটেল কী ছিল? (অ্যান ওভারভিউ অভ ইনরগানিক ডোমেস্টিক সলিড ওয়েস্ট রিসাইক্লিং প্রাক্টিসেস ইন ঢাকা সিটি) কী গ্রেড পেয়েছিলে(এ......মিছা কথাঃপি,পাইসি আরও কম) গুড, উনাদের রিসাইক্লিং বুঝাও( ব্লা ব্লা শুরু করা মাত্রই......)
আগন্তুকঃ রাস্তার উপরের অংশ কিভাবে রিসাইক্লিং করা যায় ? (ল্যান্ডফিল এর মাধ্যমে) না, পুরা উলটা বললা, ফ্লেক্সিবল পেভমেন্ট এর ক্রস সেকশন আঁক, এখানে কোথাও ইউজ করা যাবে ? (ইম্প্রভড সাবগ্রেড এ যাবে) বেজ আর সাববেজ এও তো যাবে কারন সিমেন্টাসিয়াস ম্যাটেরিয়াল আছে (জী স্যার, জি স্যার......আল্লা গো,বাঁচাও) তিনটা বেন্ডিং মোমেন্ট ডায়াগ্রাম আঁকতে দিলো, তাড়াতাড়ি, বেশী দেখা যাবে না, তাড়াতাড়ি (২ টা পারলাম......মাথাটা খায়া ফেলছে, নাইলে আরেকটাও পারতাম, ধুর, হিন্দি চুল) ট্রান্সপোর্টেশনে স্ট্রাকচারের ভূমিকা কি? (রোডসাইড ফ্যাসিলিটিস তৈরিতে.........ভাইভার সবচেয়ে বড় ভুল করলাম) ব্রিজ হবে, ব্রিজ (শিট ম্যান) মাজার স্যার এর উত্তরটায় তুমি বলতে পারতে যে ব্রিজ হল কমপ্লেক্স স্ট্রাকচার, যা ট্রান্সপোর্টেশনে তুমি ইউজ করতে পারো (বলতাম স্যার......)
মজাঃ সিপিএম কী ? ( কস্ট প্রফিট ম্যানেজমেন্ট......ভুল আনসার দিলাম রে) তোমাদের পড়াই নাই ? ( ও, স্যার ক্রিটিকাল প্যাথ মেথড) উনাদের বুঝাও যে এইটা কি ? ( প্রজেক্ট এর কিছু স্টেজ থাকে, কোন স্টেজগুলা আগে করলে প্রজেক্ট মিনিমাম সময়ে শেষ হবে সেই প্যাথ ফাইন্ড আউট করাকেই...বলে)
চেঃ কমুনিকেশন মিনিস্টারের নাম কী ? ( ওবায়দুল কাদের স্যার.........মজা নেয় নাকি আমার সাথে? ) ফ্রম হয়্যার ডিড হি গট হিস কন্সটিট্যুএন্সি ? (সরি স্যার ?) উনি কথা থেকে ইলেক্টেড ? (নোয়াখালি.........ভাগ্যিস আসনের নাম্বার জিজ্ঞাসা করে নাই) হুম, ওকে, ইউ ক্যান গো নাও
board of Md. Wazed Ali Khan sir
- introduce yourself.
- why foreign service is the first choice?
- How many states are there in UAE? What are they?
- What are the qualities that an ambassador should have?
- Suppose, You are an ambassador of BD to UAE and we are are the rich citizens of the UAE. You want to attract us to invest in BD. So, please deliver an speech to promote FDI in BD from the UAE.
- Name of three Bir-Proteek who are alive
- Some significant dates of the month of March regarding our independence.
- Why 17th March is important?
- Member states of BIMSTEC and the chairman of BIMSTEC
- Chairman and Secretary general of SAARC
- Member states of D-8
benefit & disadvantage of different dhaka city corporation
Board: prof. Dr. Emran Kabir
Dept: CE
1) District?
2) varsity?
3) What is EPS?
4) When Double Beam?
5) Type of foundation?
6) why pile?
7) when combined footing?
8) when trapezoidal footing?
9) Name the president of Bangladesh.
10) why father of nation? cause it is the period of Awamileague or something else?
11) when did u 1st know abt Sheikh Mujibur Rahman?
12) What r u doing now?
Ikram sir's board
subject IR & 1st choice FS.
1. Reasons to join FS.
2. Members of G-8, G-20, D-8.
3. Major problems of NRBs.
4. Risks of tipaimukh dam.
5. PM's tripura visit.
6. Teesta treaty.
7. Hierarchy details of FS. 8. How to solve the problems of NRBs.
1. PM and Bongobondur book
2. DC work
Board:Suraiya begum
1)express urself
2)why admin is first choice?
3)when mujibnagar govt took oath?
4)how liberation war operated in 71?
5)name of first army chief
6)name of first commander in chief during BD liberation war
7)wht is da size of our budget?
8)what is the name of our finance minister
9)where is his contituency?
10)what is deficit budget?
11)how that deficiency covered?
12)which sector has largest allocation of budget?
13)which sector has largest allocation of development budget?
14)what u know about padma bridge recently?
What was the index of DSE yesterday
Board Abidur Reza
>Syria crisis, wall street,name of 7 birsreshtho
> CD, SD, customs, excise
> War crime
> inventor of new species of rice: Asiuddin
>Where is Shoilokupa?
>6 steps
> MDG, commonwealth, WTO, SAPTA >GDP, GSP
বোর্ডঃ কাজী নাসিরুল ইসলাম।
কবি নজরুল আর রবীন্দ্রনাথ কি সমসাময়ীক কবি?
ই আর ডি কি? সেক্রেটারি কে
তামাবিল কোথায়
ইকোনোমিক গ্রথের ফ্যাকটরস কি কি?
মুক্তি যুদ্ধের শ্লোগান গুলো বলুন। বাংলাদেশের টাকার উপরে কয়টি মসজিদের ছবি আছে, কি কি?
তারা মসজিদ কোথায়
মূদ্রাস্ফিতি হ্রাসের উপায় কি?
Date: 08.02.2012
Board: Syed Hasinur Rahman
Choice: Admin
1. Tell me your educational background.
2. Did you involve with politics in student life?
3. Why admin is your first choice?
4. What are the responsibilities of DC?
5. What is the other posts that designated by DC?
6. What is the responsibility of Planning Commission?
7. Who is the Minister of Ministry of Planning?
8. Describes national borders of Bangladesh.
9. Who is the president of Australia?
10. What is the source point of Sidr? What is Aila?
11. What are the languages of Canada?
12. State your journey from your home district to Dhaka in English.
13. Write the speech that I tell and show me the parts of speech of the each word. 14. Do you in service right now?
Board: Prof. Suraiya Begum.
Choice: Police.
Subject: Chemistry.
Duration: 20 min.
Q1. Whats your height? Required height for police cadre?
Q2. Why police?
Q3. Relation with your subject?
Q4. Tear gas?
Q5. Formalin?
Q6. About favorite sports?
Q7. Problem of Football in our country?
Q8. Your suggestion to solve the problem?
Q9. Noble Prize in Chemistry? Why?
Q10. Bangladeshi any chemist?
Q11. About your today's journey to PSC in English?Bottom of Form
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Md. Wazed Ali viva board
Q1. what u have implement to cadre with ur subject or what's ur plan to this cadre
Q2. Good Governance.
Q4.Vision 2021
Q5.Language Movement Women Vasa Soinick
Q6. Six Point Movement
Q8.Foreign pia 30th again viva dite asse(kmon feel janale kushi hobo) 31th
Q11.sonda nodi kothy?
Board: Md. Wazed Ali Khan
Choice :Admin
Duration:13 min
Q1. What's ur name?
Q2. Intoduce ur self
Q3.Why u choice Admin First?
Q5. What ur subject ?
Q6.Which is the university?
Q7.Iran-us relation
Q8.What u -s want form iran?
Q9.What the regional problem in Iran?
Q10.what israil say?
11.Hormoj pronali nia ki problem?
pm & mujib book, DC's works, GDP, GNP, GNN, WTO, SAPTA, SAARC, Tarrif, order of precedence, bd- india relation, MDG, vision 21, parbotto shanti chukti, commonwealth, ERD, IRD, DMP, PLO, war crime, CRPC, Penal code, peace model, nij elakar birsreshtho, district e DC er equal k k ase, college life shomporke english e, ECr kaj, victoria rod er govirota, humayun ahmed er kolon cancer, MLM, chhatrliger protishtha, biogas, when mujib was pm then who was president, senior secretary, gono ovvthan dibos kobe, food security ki, M A G Osmanyr M A G mane ki, casablanka kon desher shomudro bondor, mujib's foreign policy, who was mirjafar, search committee, shomudro aiyn, WTO & SAPTAr difference, shenjhen chukti, camp david chukti, boi melar itihash, garo upojati, shoylokupa kothay, admin e kivabe kaj korben, G2g, IGPr podomorjada, shochibaloy er kathamo, GDP, Inflation, 21 er tatporjo, language movement, moyna todonto, e-governance. USAr president kivabe elected hon, israel-palestine, article 153, NBR er new sector, BIMSTEC, GCC, DMP Thana, atomic energyr problem, recent pora kono boi er bornona, credit control kivabe kore, 6 points, 21 points er 1st 4 points, nasirnama kar lekha, DNA ki? Chor alexandar, kukri-mukri kothay, economic cadre kon ministryte, police thana koyti, thana & upazilar difference, matiur rahman er rank, stock market problem& solution, navy police er hq, remix ki, red corner notice, police & rab er diff, vasco da gama k, india-bd-myanmar, bari sheshe die 5ta jayga, pak-afgan-usa, 4 national leaders, scandinavian word origin & country, suu kyir birthday, yunus economics e na peye peace e keno pelen, jalianwalabag killing, ICB ki, FTM, 47 to 71 er main stages, darfur crisis, einstein er theoryr vul, tista pani bontone west bengal keno agree korse na & apnar motamot, horkatul jihad er chief k, ilora-ojonta
imran kabir er board
admine 1st coice kno?educational background,2jon pochpnder teacher er nam,Abraham linkon er democracy related ukti,3jon somaj biggani nam bd er,bangla vashar morjada
Board: Liakat ali khan, ndc
1.Falkland war
2.Father of the nation
2. Lionel messi
3.Md. ali jinnah
4.Master da Surjasen
5.Iron lady
6.M.K. Gandhi
Wazed Ali Khan Sir
1. Describe yourself.
2.Why BCS(Police) first choice?
3.What is the advantage & disadvantage of Transit.
4.What is the based of Lahore Resolution? Who is the proposer?
5.What is two nations theory?
6.Why density of Bangldesh is high though total population of China is higher than Bangladesh?
7.No of upozila?
8.Which one is the latest upozila?
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Board : hasinur Rahman...
choice :FA
DURAtion : 20/25 min
Ques 01 : why FA ? tell us in english...kichokkhon bolar por thamie dilen
02. who is the president of EU ?
03. what is land locked country ?
04.commonwealth ki ?
05. hc /Emb ?
06. dffrnce btwn uk & england ?
07.border area of bd ?
08.tarash upozilla kothay?
09..shahbajpur channel kothay ?
10. recently kon deser presidnt resign koresen? 11.FA er organogram...? tmi kon position a dhukbe ? koy nmbr eta...
Date: 12.02.12
Board: Qazi Nasirul Islam
Subject: Environmental Science
Q-1: Tell some synonym (samarthak) of your name?
Q-2: Latest earth summit. Where & when? What is the agenda?
Q-3: Where was the previous earth summit (2010) held?
Q-4: Where the first earth summit held and which no. of agenda was taken in this summit?
Q-5: What is Aila and Sidr? When they hit our country and what was their frequency?
Q-6: Why Bangladesh is a disaster porn country?
Q-7: Recently our minister Dr. Hasan Masud went to visit a climate project, what is the name of the project and which famous person invites him for the project
Q-8: Which state of India situated at the North part of Bangladesh?
Q-9: Which pronali located near the India?
Q-10: Who is Velupillai Prabhakaran?
Q-11: Tell some book of poem (Kabbo) except Nazrul and Rabindranath
Q-12. …….koiek ti kobitar line (I could not memorize). Who is the writer of the poem?
Q-13: Bangabandhur vasion er sathe dujanar Vashon er mill royese? Who are they?
Q-14: What is the main theme of Bangabandhur vasion? Why Bangali were enter into liberation war after his vasion?
board= rashida mam.
sedond choice...why...?/
maldives problem...???
palestine's status...??
how palestine's representative is being addressed...???
juddho oporadhider bichar....!! why this late and is it necessary..?/
Board: Prof. Dr. Farida Adib Khanum
Date: 13.02.12
Duration: 15-20min
1st Choice: Admin
1. Name, birth date
2. Dist, upazila, famous person, river(dist.)
3.Chadpur e Megna, Padma er militojaigai r ekta nodi ache setar nam ki?
4. Halda kothai? Ki jonne famous?
5. Foreign policy, name of bd Foreign minister?
6. Translation(3ta)
7. Writer of National Anthem?
8. 21feb ki dibos? Shaheeder nam, 1st shaheed ke? Oliullah ki std?
9. Education advisor of PM,
10. Hobby
board :ahsanul samim
1. ell about ur college life.
2. tell about human right
3. why 1st choice
4. what is CAT
5. Tell about constain & prospect of agriculture.
Date: 13.02.12
Board: Shamim Ahsan
1st choice: Admin....(10th choice fisheries)
1. background.
2. fisheries theke admin e ken ascho?
3. fisheries choice eto pichone ken?
4. as a admin cader tmi kivabe fisheries sectore kaj korte parba?
5. zilla...upazilla...thana koyta?
6. Thana ar upazilla r sonkha eto besh kom ken?
7. north eastern district konta.....tell us something about cox's bazar.
8.tell us about Sundarbans....what is mangrove....characteristics.
9. BD te macher utpadon koto....Thailand e koto
10. golda ar bagda chingri r scientific name
11. Bari koi...Haor chino...haor nia kisu bolo ..(in english)
12. suppose tmi haor elakay posting paiso bolo as a AC tmi fisheries sectore ki ki unnoti korte parba?
Board: Liakat Ali Khan
First Choice: FA
Duration: Approx. 20 min
1. Diplomat ki? Diplomacy ki?
2. Suppose, we are foreign investors want to invest in ur country & u r a diplomat of BD. How will u represent ur country?
3. BD-India-Myanmar maritime boundary problem (details jante chailo)…ITLOS & er headquarter…currently ki obostha? shunani hoyeche kina?
4. BD-India bilateral relation…Indiar sathe ki ki problem? (uni especially trade deficit er kotha jante chailen?)
5. BD er sathe kon dehser trade deficit sobcheye beshi?
6. Bd-Myanmar bilateral relation…Myn er sathe ki ki problem?
7. SAARC er bortoman Secretary General & President k?
8. UK te Bd er High commissioner er naam? uni kon bishoyer professor?
9. Tell 10 sentences about Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
10. Amader deshe 7th March & 16 Dec er majhe ki ki jatiyo dibosh palon kora hoy? 17 March ki dibosh? 7th November ki dibosh?
11. Nijer subject er sathe FA cadre er relation... 12. at first they asked what I am doing now?
Board :Ikram ahmed
1. Microbioiogy r bangla ki?
2. knw ey line e ashte chan?
3. Job korcen kothao?
4. 14 dec
5. local gov er head k?
6. Mayor ki? Mayor is the highest ranking officer in the municipal government of a town or a large urban city.In many municipal systems the mayor serves as chief executive officer and/or ceremonial official of many types of municipalities. Worldwide, there is a wide variance in local laws and customs regarding the powers and responsibilities of a mayor, as well as the means by which a mayor is elected or otherwise mandated.
7. apni ghotona shunecen ur babar kac thek?
8. u ki muktijuddher kono book porecen?
9. Name bolun... (pechaiche)
10. Constitution
11. baba ki koren
12. rajakar k?
13. Politics korecen?
14. Campus e kivabe ashten?
15. Bd er reward er kromo?
16. Birsreshto der nam bolte parben?
17. K k bir uttom?
18. 4ta English banan and meaning
19. District? And so many personal question they asked me
Board: Liaqat Ali Khan
1st Choice: Police
height, weight, interpol, DMP thana, ssc er subs & mark also in HSC, Shakespeare, 21 feb er theme song, sing the song,why police, memorable incident, r u nervous,upoazila vs thana, my dist,......
Ehsan shamim sir ar board:First choice admin
1.Describe ur academic background in english(subject related question 5-6)
2.Why have u given admin as ur 1 choice?
3.What is 6 point demand?
4.who introduced it?
5.When and where it was introduced?
6.Every year we celebrate a special day which is related to 6 point demand. what is it
7.Do you know the name of election manifesto of AL?
8.say some poin of it.
9.According to the gov. what is digital bangladesh?
10.In ur own sense?
11.Give some example(sector) of it.
12.What is governance?
13.What is indemnity ordinance?
14.Is it eliminated?
15.What is the present agricultural production of BD?
16.Amount of internet users in our country.
17.Name of our constitution
18.What is government?
19.How they are related?
20.English name of our constitution
22.Give some example
23.In which section are they in our constitution?
24.Say according to constitution
25.If u r deprived from ur fundamental right, what will u do then?
26.Say according to the constitution
27.In case of ur deprived from ur fundamental right,where will you complain?
28.The procedure of the complain
29.The foreign policy of our country
30.In which section are they.
31. Say according to the constitution
board: Emran kabir
subject: civil engineering
first choise:Roads & High wayas
1.Educational Back ground in english
2.Per sft te Buildinger cost?
3.Cost keno very kore?
4.DC r basic 3ta kaj ki?
5.DC & SPr maje dondo hole ke ki korbe.
6.DC Bicharic khomota ase kina? keno nai? khokon ase?
7.Testar pani chuktite momotar appoti keno?
Board : Bgd. abidur reza khan
choice : admin
Sub : physics
1. naamer ortho jano......bollam
2. masters pass korso kobe???
3. pass korar pore ki kortaso.....tell in English
4. amader business niye onek kotha bolse....
5. why admin ur choice?
6. local govt r local self govt er modhe difference with example.
7. upazila r thana difference.. thana besi keno?
8. upazila r thanar sonkha koto.
9. then subject related question. 1 calorie songa.
10. calorie r joule er relation.
11. MW er niche ki upore ki?
12. prothom ke bangla vashar dabi utthapo koren?
12. birshersto motiurer bari kotha??? introvert ar extrovert mane r spelling jigaise
Board : Wazed Ali khan
Choice : FA
Sub : Pharmacy
Duration : 22-25min
1. What is your name?
2. Express yourself - in English?
3. What is Arab Spring, Who 1st use this word, present cndn of Arab?
4. Political situation Betn Iran- USA.
5. Israel has nuclear wpn, but why they try to stop Iran?
6. Elaboration(BENELUX, ANZUS,NATO with leading counties, warshaw)
7. Where situated(vancuvar, alexandria, port sayed, dovar, hobart, haifa,honsu, hokkaidu, Borneo)
8. Surrounding countries of Afganistan
9. Border Line(Durand, Majono, blue,Macmohon)
10. Some other foreign terms, some known & some unknown
11. what are the present socialist countries?
12. What is local policy?
13. What is Imperialism? Present condn- I said Neo colonialism(External). Wazed Ali khan asked me what is the difference betn Neo & New--pari nai
14. Where is Azizia, Why is important?
15. He read some poem(4/5) & asked me to give the name of poet(1 ta parchi, 14 so sal, Rabindronath)
16. Dotta, Sheser kobitha uponnaser nayikar nam ki? (Pari nai- very sad)
17. My life, the old man & the sea-who is writer, War & peace-who is writer & female character
20. Last question: Suppose we r foreign investor, give your speech within 5min to attract investors on your country in energy sector- Prepn chilo, valo ans dite perechi.
First Choice: F.A.
Board: Prof Farida Adib Khanam
Duration: 10min
1. Introduce yourself
2. Tell me about your father's occupation
3. What is the spelling of ' (apostrophe) s?
4. U r an engineer, why r u interrsted in F.A. cadre, justify it.
5. Tell us, about the bilateral relation of India and Bangladesh, describe thouroughly.
6. What should be relation between india and BD?
8. Do u know how much money govt expend to produce a BSc engineer?
Board: Dr. Amran Kabir Chowdhury.
Subject: Botany
Choice: Police
1. Describe your academic background properly.
2. What is Xylem & Phloem?
3. What is Nipah Virus?
4. What is the key point that is why Nipah virus attack human?
5. HIV?
6. Seven sisters?
7. Di-jati totto ke diese? Who first announced it?
8. Lahore proposal.
9. Who is the only Bangladeshi was the Mayor of Calcutta?
10. Who was J.C.Bose? Where did he live?
11. Your home district?
12. Scientific name of Hanuman.
13. What is your first choice?
Board:Emran Kabir
Choice :Police:
1.What is Your Name?
2.Tell ur Educational Background.
3.What is Scientific Management?
4.Police ar vabmurti kmn?
5.Konw akta alakay jamela hole asp hisebe apni ki guli korte parben !!!!parle korben kina?kar nidess a guli korben ?
6.Police act ?
7.Dc And SP k age?
8.Dc 3 ta task.....tader designation tocon ki hobe ?
9.Ponchayet police ar matter a kisu bolen ....end
Board: Rashida Begum.
Choice: F.A
Sub: Chemistry.
1.Name, Date Of Birth.
2.Maldive's recent incident?
3.India's recent incident?
4.Home Dist? (Bogra.... )
5. Home dist er famous koakjonar name & Place name, Describe all of it?
6.Pakistan's recent Political issue?
7.Vumoddosagorar aspasar koakti country.
8.Quantum Number?
9. Ressonance, Catalayst?
10. Arab Spring ( First and Last Country ).
11.Why UN fail in Syria?
12. In the month of February Bd ar 2 bad & 2 good news?
13. To tell something about ur second choice Admin??? 14. Something about Major Jia?
Board : Brig. Abidur Reza Chow.
Choice : FA
Sub : Mechanical Engineer
Duration :25min
BARC: You r from St. Gregory's High School; Notre Dame College; BUET...nd ur result is also very good..thats really impressive.now u r trying for FA,
1. Why Being a ME u r trying 4 FA?
2. Tell which gases exhaust when fuel burns?
3. How they pollute air?
4. What measures can be taken inside the cylinder to reduce it?
5. Will Israil attack Iran?
6. Why not?
7. How USA did mhanage Israil so that they do not attack Iran?
8. Name the water body which is near Libya?
9. Name a land-locked country near Libya?
10. What is Green House effect?
11. Tell the positive n negative impacts of Battery run Rickshaws?
12. Tensions between BD-India? 13. Shimanto Hut?
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Date: 19.02.12
Board : Mohammad Hossain Serniabat
Choice : Administration
Duration :Around 30 minutes
1. Introduce yourself(In English)
2. Academic background(In English)
3. Why administration is your first choice?(In English)
4. levels of local government
5. Suppose you are to send a letter to a ministry, how this letter will travel and the proceedings of the sanction
6. 21st February.Why famous ? How & when it was declared as the international mother language day.
7. What do you know about TRIPS, Matcalfe Effect?
8. 10th January?
9. Date of formation of Government by BBSMR after returning home from exile?
10. Lalbagh Kellah, Who formed, in which reign?
11. No. of Upazilla & thana. What is the difference in between and why their no. differs?
12. Who is the chief in an upazilla?
13. পটকা মাছের প্রজাতির নাম?
14. Types of tax
15. Minimum income for Tax Payee? (M/F)
16. Does a beggar pay tax?
17. How?
18. Hobby
19. Few Historical places you traveled? Why are they famous?
20. Steps of administration.
21. No. of land port?
22. Which one is last? When was it declared
Board: Abidur Reza Chow
Subject: International Relations
Choice: BCS FA
Total Duration: 10 min Max
Questions (From the chair): Talk about your Educational Background.
Is this your first time viva?
Where did your father fight as a FF?
Who was the sector commander?
Do you know where he is now?
What are the recent changes of Myanmar?
Which are included into ASEAN countries?
How mane were they when this organization was formed?
Do you think Israel is gonna attack on Iran's nuc' establishments?
What er you doing now?
What is your result in Hons and Masters?
What place did you got?
Why did you choose FA?
You speak eng pretty well, where have you learned this?
Do you know any other language?
School and College are from defense, Do you have any defense background, _ i do not)
What do your parents do?
Where did your father served?
Is Agrani Bank a government one?
Can you explain this "every could has a silver lining"?
What is 17th March, What happened that Day?
What happened in 3rd November?
Who plotted the scheme? where is the Foreign minister of Israel now? He actually went to Singapore to attend an air-vehicle show.
BCS viva under d board of dr.farida adib khanom.my 1st coice was BCS foreign affairs.Duration was 20-25mins.their asking was 1.introducing myself&some related qstns .2.educational bckground3.about Halda river&why it is famous?it's speciality 4..another renowned place of Fatickchari upozila(my birthplace) 5..how many upozilla in Bd& d last one.6.what is mujibbahini?7.muktijuddhdr sorbadhinayok k?7..name some countries of middle America ..8..argentina in which continent?9..Che Guevara kothakar& kothy Mara jy?10..recently what was happend in West Germany?11.. 1971 saler16 dec kon kon bahinir moddhe ki cukti shakkhorito hoecilo?12.A.K Khondokar bortomane ki? 13..suppose we r 3 r forign investors,how can u convice us to investing ur country?
What is BRICKS?a group of developing countries.Brazil,Russia,China,India,South Africa.
board: Wazed sir
first choice: admin
background: engineering
duration: 10-12 min
1. tell me abt urself in english. so that we can judge ur english speaking.
2. home district
3. home district er ekti jaiga. lib war related. oikhane judder bornona.
4. besomorik baktider moddhe home district er k prothom lib war e participate koresilo?
5. k bd te red cresent protishtha korese?
6. why admin first choice?
7. good governance ki?
8. kisu uponnasher nam bollo. oigulo kar lekha? sobgulo 1e writer er.
9. bijoy kiboard k design korse?
10. mdg ki? 1st & last goal in english. 4 th goal ki? s. hasina kon goal er jonno award paise? tar nam ki?
11. feb mas ki hishebe anonder mash?
12. munir chowdhury kano bikkhato?
13. kobitar pongti bolsilo 2 ta. kon kobita ? kar lekha?
14. johir raihan er lib war related cinema?
15. johir raihan er onno arekta cinemar nam .
16. shesher kobita ki? nayoik naika k k? shesher line e ki ase?
Date: 19.02.2012
Board: Liakot Ali Khan
Duration : 15 min
Choice : Administration
1. Tell five sentences about ur hall life.
2. wht's the situation in Maldives now?
3. Is there any country where clashes occure between judiciary and executive body like Maldives?
4. wht r the problems between Bangladesh and India relationship?
5. How could we solve those problems?
6. with which country Bangladesh has the highest trade difficiency?
7. 21st February
8. Bengali is spoken in Bangladesh, West Bengal and else where?
9. Why Siera Lieon excepted Bangla as their second official language?
10. In which part do u have interest among literature, Art and sport?
11. Wht are the tittles of Jibonando Das?
12. Tell some of the names of his poems.
13. Say something about Tipaimukh Dam. Women Policy nia question
1st choice :FA
board:Rashida Begum
1.tell abt BRICS
2.Compare SAARC & ASEAN
3.What to do to make SAARC effective?
4.Maldives issues
5.Pakistan issues
6.economic situation in BD
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Viva Date : 26/02/12
Board: Dr. Farida Abida Khanom
1st Choice: Police
Subject: Pharmacy
1.Express yourself.
2.Education Background.
3.Police er Slogan ki ?
4.What is Discipline?
5.47-71 events?
6. International Mother Language Day related questions.
7.Why Police?
8. Arabic year ?
9. Bangla year ?
10. Name two good and bad events of police in recent time .
11. Maldives Issue .
12. India-Bangladesh Issues.
13. Yemen Issue.
14. Egypt riot.
15. Cadre choice .
16. Six points declaration.
Date: 26.02
Board: Dr. Farida Abid Khan.
Duaration: 10-12 mins.
1. What is ur name.
2. Ur father's name.
3. Educational background.
4. Ur choices.
5. U r a student of CSE but y want to come to FA?
6. In which country Bengali is the second state language?
7. Tell me some tribal group of Siera lion.(couldn't answer)
8. What is the resource of Siera lion?(couldn't answer)
9. what is good governance?
10. name of five fingers in bengali.
11. language movement detail. 12. Liberation war.
board: Wazed ali, English
F Choice: police
Qs.1. Cadet college a pora keno army te jaone?
2. police a keno jeta chao, sallery com..?
3.Corruption kivhabe dur korba?
4. crPC illabration, date?
5. dhara 54, 161, 163 ki?
6. Alive 5 jon bir uttom ar nam?
7.Gopalgonj kon nodir tira ?
8. Moti dia nodir nam?..isamoti, gomoti..
9. 7 sisters ar nam.
10. Tripurar mukkho minster?
11. Retired ar somoy biruttom der podobi. 12. describe ur self.
Board: Syed Hasinur Rahman
Duration: 15-20min
Choice: FA
Subject: Pharmacy
Questions asked in Bangla
1. How many Kaligonj upazilla? where?
2. Human body ki ki chemicals diye gothito?
3. Kon roge sobcheye beshi manush mara jay? (AIDS)
4. How may Lohagara Upazillas ? (My upazilla)
5. Phosphorus ki? Bosphoras ki?
6. Bibir bazar kothay?
7. Amabassador at large.
8. Aide Memoire ki? kokhon use kora hoy?
9. Honorary consul.
10. China-USA relation (In English)
11. How many organization in UN? What are they?
12. Ochi porishod er kaaj ki?
13. Ochi porishod ki ekhono active ache ki na? keno nei?
14. Why did u study pharmacy?
15. Govt a pharmacist der kono opportunity ache ki na?
16. Ajker newspaper porechi ki na? potrikay pharmacy related topic ki (TRIPS)?
17.TRIPS Ki?
18. TRIPS chalu hole bangladesher drug market er upor ki provab porbe?
19. March er ullekhjoggo tarikh?
20. Vienna Convention ki?
Board: Syed Hasinur Rahman
Duration: 15-20min
Choice: FA
Subject: Mechanical engineering
Questions asked in Bangla & English
1. keno engineering exam dei nai?
2. UN e sthayi protinidhir designation ki?
3. DC er onno ki nam ache?
4. koyata abhawa kendro ache?
5. tetulia & kuakata koi?
6. kuakata kon upozila te?
7. myanmar er sathe kon district er border?
8. geneva convention ki?
9. geneva agreement ki?
10. de facto & de jure recognization ki?
11. de jure er ''jure'' ortho ki?
12. aide memoire ki?
13. aide memoire ki kaje lage?
14. introduce urself.
15. say something about this room.
16. kobe pass korsi? ekhn ki kortesi? kono chakri te dhuksi kina? eta prothom bcs kina?
17. versailles treaty kokhn, keno kora hoise, er impact ki?
2. Dispute on Maritime Boundary.
3. Reasons behind Japan's economic development after world war II.
4. Problems at Israel.
5. Monroe Doctrine
6. Unique feature of USA-Mexico, Israel-Palestine, Bangladesh-India.
7. Responsibilities of Parliament.
8. Islands in the strait of Harmuz.
Date: 28.02.12
Board : Hasinur Rahman
Choice : Administration
1. What is your name?
2. Can you tell us the meaning of your name?
3. From which language the word of your name derived ?
4. What is ur father?
5. Tell something about ur educational background. (in English )
7. Tell us about the present unrest of the world.
8. Syria crisis in detail.
9. Comment on Dr. Md. Yunus
10. India Bangladesh relationship.
11. What do you know about the local govt. reformation.
12. Who is the father of the nation pf China.
13. Chinese revolution.
14. Why Shakespeare famous?
15. What is aside and soliloquy, their difference.
16. Tell something about a book u recently read.
17. Suppose u r appointed as an admin cadre then what will be ur duty.
18. Do u think that Bangladesh is a country of probability, why?
19. What is ur hobby? Why?
20. what is patriotism? Are u a patriot? How?
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Board: Farida (Something) Khanam
1st Choice: FA
Subject : CSE
Duration: Around 30 min
1. Describe yourself.
2. Tell us about your academic background.
3. Is your degree Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Engineering?
4. Tell your complete degree name ?
5. Why do u wanna come to FA from CSE background?
6. What are top CSE grads of BD actually doing? Why abroad?
7. You don't want to leave your country but u gave FA , but u need to go abroad if u got FA, then what will u do? (they'r satisfied with my answer)
8. What are the activities of a diplomat?
9. For next couple of min just think we are Non-Bangladeshis, now tell us how would u attract FDI in your country so that we can get a clear idea about your country to invest . 10. Admin is your 2nd choice so i want to ask u some Q about BD, tell me the name of last Upazilla?
11. How many upazillas in BD?
12. Can u tell us the timeline from 1947 to 1971 ?
13. DOB is 18th feb , so can u tell us what did actually happen in 18th feb 1969. (:-S I couldn't ans)
14. Shamsujjoha was killed on that day, ain't it? (I said yes , yes mam)
15. Do u know about shamsujjoha ?
16.What's happening actually in Teesta ?
board:farida khanom
duration:15-20 min
first ch:FA
q.1-describe urself
2.why foreign ?
3.UAE er state gula ki?
4.how will u attract fdi from uae ?
5.but ur country's political siuation is unstable-so ,why they will invest on ur country?
6.what is the main function of a diplomat ?
7.hierchy -both in home and abroad ,
8.UN er security council er member kara ?
9.temporary country konguli?
10.what do u think about expandation of security council?suggest some.why?
11.do u support veto power?why?
12.about palestine problem -what is the standing point of usa and un ?
13.who r da development partner of bd?
14.what is the function of imf in bd ?
15.what is the policy of bang bank? 16.what types of bank in bd?
Board- Ekram ahmed sir
1st choice- F.S
Sub- BBA(finance)
Duration- 25-28 mints
1)lamia,ur 1st choice is fs.nd u r unmarried,so what will happen after ur marriage.
2.why o want be fc?tell in english?
tmi kivab fdi attrack korbe?banglay bolo.
1)what is tax holiday?
2)wht is epz
3)tumi to shudhu bd gov er offer gulo bolcho..investors ra kivab profit pabe? (i said 100% ownership, no risk of nationalization...but they wanted to hear more)
4)lamia meaning ki?
5)islam e nam rakhar j rules ache ogulo ki?
6)wht is women empoerment?
7)recently gov ki steps neache wemp er jonno?
8)meyeder kota koto %!
9)negetive side of cota?
10)nari j eto kaj korche ete society te ki negetive effect hocche?
11)what r the important dates of march?why important?(i skiped 17th march)
12)why 17th march imporatn? E din r ki debosh?
Board: Breg Gen Abidur Reza Khan
Choice: Admin
Date: 28-02-2012
1.Why admin your first choice? Relate between administration and your studied subject
2. Body of the government and their head?
3. How I prepare myself for BCS exam. Explain
4. Which news paper I usually read. Then they ask me two common word from daily star. One is Corrigendum and the other is Errata.
5. Who is the head of legislature?
6. Difference between upzilla and thana?
7. How many upzilla and thana are their in Bangladesh right now?
8. How many parts in bcs(admin)?
9. Hierarchy of bcs(admin) in field level?
10. What is administration?
11. Describe shortly the main event of 1947 to 1971?
time:15 minutes
1.dist kothay?
2.1971e kon sector er odhin chilo?
3.sector commander ke chilo?
4.mujibnagar govt er koyti zonal division chilo?
5.kobe mujibnagar govt gothito hoy?
6.kobe shopoth nay?
7.ke porichalona kore?
8.4 march ki dibosh?
9.koto sal?
10.tokhon chattroleage er nem ki chilo?
11.28 september ki?
12.march related 1971 er gothona
13.27 march er age ki shwadhinotar goshona procharito hoye chilo?
14.1972e Foreign minister ke chilo?
15.parlament session ke ahoban koren?
16.1972 e sheikh mujib ki hishebe shopoth nen?
Board: Abidur reza
Sub: Geology
1. Myanmer crisis
2. About Sir aijack Newton
3. Bangladesh India China trade deficiency
4. US foreign policy about Arab country
5. Uprising of Libia
6. How a geologist assume the presence of gas at sub-surface?
8. Theory of relatitivity by Ienstien?
9. About present condition of your University (DU)
Board: Rasheda Begum
1. Academic Bacground
2. Why Customs 1st choice
3. Current job related
4. Abt Johir Raihan & Sohidullah Kaisar related (novel, film)
5. asked to recite a poem of Nimolendu Gun 6. why Birisiri is renowned?
board:sayed hasinur rahman
1st choice:admin
duration:10/12 mnts
1.keno subjct cdr e xm daoni........
2.dc office ke ki name daka hoto...
3.dc er kaj...say in english
4.what types of revenue he collects..
5.ek xtrnal kobitar line bole bollo nischoy suncho kobi o kobitar nam bolo...pari nai
6.usa er haoai te kivabe jaben?
7.genetic food er merits demerits...
8.2nd extrnal....bangladesher aioton koto
9.parbotto chittagong er zilla er nam
10.bangladesh e gram koita..
11.quinone ki kota teke extract kora hoi...
12.bangladesh india recently ekti soshostro mohara kore eta kotai kokkhn koren
13.abar hasinur.....bangladesh er simana bolo systemetically ...rajjogula kun desher mention kore...
14.bangladesher sate mayanmarer simanto rajjo.....parinai
15.barlin daoal kobe diesilo
16.keno diesilo...parinai
17.andaman dippunjho kotai.....
Board:Rasida Begum
1st Choice:Police
Duration:10 minutes
1.Tomar Height kato?
2. 1 meter= kato feet?
3.Tomar University and subject ke?
4.KU kano famous?
5.Police ar sata subject ar relation ke?
6.54,144,305,307,302,420 dhara ke?
7.Police kakhon 54 dharai arrest kora?
8.Police a ke ke recent changes hoasa?
9.IGP=Sr. Secretary =correspondence post of army ke?
10.Please describe regarding your family?
11.Apnar baba akon ke Koran?
12.Apnar bon ra ka ke kora?
13.Apnar Bari kon district a?
14.Sokal thaka gumonor aga porjonto ke ke Koran?
15.Apne he chul sobsomoi choto rakan nake vaiva bolo choto kora rakasan?
16.Dhakai Metropolitan thana koita?
Board-Iqram Ahmed.
Sub- Public Admin.
1st choice- BCS Admin.
Shurutei...Tomar sub pblic admin, 1st choice o admin....gd,vry gd. 1.Ajke koy tarikh. Ki hysilo ei dine?
2.Amadr shadinota itihas kto diner? 266
3.47-71 bolo.
4.March er imprtant date gulo bolo. (i told all bt missd 17th march).Thn he askd abt bngabndhu.
5.Agortola shorojntro mamla, asami, ki hysilo ashole? Srjnt johurul k? Kothay mara hyse,keno?
6.Locl gov? Stor? Fld admin, cntral admin. Local gov er ins & outs.
7.State er 3ta organ n head.
8.Raojan upazilla,
9.cnstitutnl post & org.
Board; md. Hossain serniabat
1st choice: FS
1. Why 1st choice
2. About 17 march.
3. About 10 january.
4. In which post bangabandhu take oath at 12 january
5. 72 cabinet- agri, tradre, transport
6. Where is dakatia and voirob river
7. Where is raigong and dakop
8. Which state USA sold from Russia
9. Who was the politician of this state and name and in which election she wanted to nominate for what post?
10.what are the assotiated organisation of UN.
board-Emran kabir
1st choice-FA
2.difference between whisky and wine..
3.define beverage
4.bangladesh profit in shenzen treaty
5.robert clive and his hometown
6.why is manchester famous for?
7.main theme of 7th march address
8.kagmari address.
9.different bahinis in 1971.
10.upodesta parisad koba?keno?kara silo?
Board: Abidur reza
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
which team leads la liga? how many teams in English Premier League? what is zero growth rate? name some countries. who are the actor and actress in film"chokori",?what is gerund? what is inflation?, what is the rate of us dollar?, is Merchant of Venis,a novel? tell the story of marchant of venis? what is the result of the case between Sylock and Basanio?, name some english writers, what is the contribution of customs duty in budget?,how much customs duty is collected in shajalal airport?, why you choose customs as your fist choice? how will you reduce corruption if you are given this cadre?,how many cadres in bcs? name all of them, which one is first cadre according to form fill up? what is your last choice? what is the cadre code of your last choice? and the rest are personal questions?
Board: Prof. Rashida Khanam Madam
Date : 07/03/12
First Choice : FA
1) Name, Dist, Birthdate, University......
2) Introduce yourself
3) Why FA is your first choice?
4) BD er foreign policy
5) Diff. between HC & Amb.
6) Details about SAARC.
7) Some famous persons from my dist.
8) Iran-USA relations...
9) Syria update
10) BD-USA relation
11) Name the famous persons who have visited BD within 2-3 days till today
12) Journey to PSC
13) Some basic questions of my subject
14) Some questions about my personal matter.......
15) Some vocabularies, group verbs.....
Board: Ehsan Shamim,NDC
1.there is an international conference goin on.some foreign delegates r there.they r talkin negatives on BD.now u talk some positive to lift the image of ur country as a representative of BD.Give a formal speech.
2.BD-Myanmar maritime dispute,ki prob,present situation,continental shelf..chairman sir wanted to deep down on dis issue...he even asked the diff. btwn equity & equidistance method..I couldn't say that.
3.BD te barrage koi? dam koi?Distinguish betwn dam & barrage?
4.what is next-11? God heaven..I just fell from sky? BRIC ki,member countries?
5.dui mohadeser modhe porese amon ekta jaigar nam? oita kon deshe?
6.turkey te bd r ek lekhok berate gie boi likhe silo..boitar nam?couldn't say...md abdul hai er vromon kahini ?
7.india bd er cheye koto gun?..pakistan bd er cheye koto gun boro..(most interestin part of my viva seems to me)
8.statue of liberty kothai?
9.world heritage sunderban competition e here gese?bt kon desh top e silo? parinai.. 10.duita new 7 wonders of world?
Board: Ahsan Samim.NDC
Duration: 10 min
Q.1 Name
2. Home District
3.Tell something about Home dist.
4. Describe Your Journey from Sylhet to dhaka, any fun, experience?
5.First Choice?
6.What is da duty of UNO? mention 5 in English. (3 ans)
7.Duty of UNO in a flood affected area while in distributing relief?
8.To start a new project, what is da first duty.explain cronologicaly.
9.Meckiavelly?? Full name & country??
10. Who wrote Romeo & Juliet?
11. Mention any 2 poems of Shakespeare & 4 Lines of them.
12. Do u wana go to abroad, (no) why? explain.
13. Tell 3 lines about Flower. 14. Subject? result?
Board: Ehsan Shamim NDC
Date: 08/03/2012
Time: 12-14Minutes(May Be).
F.Choice: FA
1. Tell us about ur District in English.
2. What is the responsibility of a Diplomat?
3. What is Diplomatic Zone?
4. what is number of foreign mission in abroad of BD?
5. Name the institutions which are established in Breeton woods?
6. Difference between their works?
7. What is the conditions of IMF WHILE LENDING?
8. A particular name of the conditions?
9. What is Kyoto protocol?
10. Where was the first environmental concerned conference held?
11. In Map (Find out Brazil, Newzealand, Meditarian sea, Polynesia, Caribbean Islands).
12. What is the biggest ocean and its depth where is maximum?
14. Details about India-Bangladesh treaties.
15. Definition of Haor In ENGLISH.
Viva date: 14/08/2011
Time: 11:45 to 12:10 PM
Board: Brig. Gen. (Retd.) Abidur Reza Chowdhury
Language: English
1st choice: Assistant Mechanical Engineer(Bangladesh railway)
Subject: Mechanical Engineering
About Educational Background
What’s golden 5? Why media say so? What do you think?
What’s Notre Dame? Notre Dame came from which language?
Who’s mata merry?
Which organization runs IUT?
Have you heard about Mechatronics? Can you explain it to us?
About 1st choice
Current condition of Bangladesh Railway
Before 1965 in which routes we enjoyed transit facility via railway? What happened in 1965?
If you want to go India via rail in which point you’ve to cross Bangladesh border?
How many gauges in railway?
In our country where you can get narrow gauge line?
What’s your hobby?
Have you read Julius Ceaser? Who wrote it?
Who wrote Dr. Jeckil & Mr. Hide?
Who wrote Frankenstein? What is Frankenstein?
Who’s your favorite author?
What do you know about Jafor Iqbal?
Who’s the father of Science fiction?
About recent census, Matia Chowdhury’s comment about census? Relation about cereal production & population, our annual cereal production.
Pointing towards the picture of Bangabandhu…do you know this man? What happened to him? Haw many of his family members were killed? Where were they buried? Why Bangabandhu was buried in tungipara? What do you think?
What’s your favorite sport? When the “2nd test “between Bangladesh vs. Zimbabwe will be played?
When the South Sudan became independent? Who’s their president? How many countries now in Africa?
Name 2 countries where country Bangladesh army is under UN mission? Mention the name of the mission?
Where is Somalia? Name her bordering countries.
Where is sierra leon ? where’s Liberia?
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
Maastricht Treaty, Schengen Agreement, Functions of DC, Seven Sisters, Admin Cadre Step, Telling about Hall Life, 7 March Speech, Telling about District, BD-India relations, Language Movement, E-governance, Share Market, FBI, CIA, Books of Sheikh Hasina, ERD Secy, EU, EC, EUROPOL, Arab Spring (Syria Crisis), Crossfire, COmmunity Policing, SB, DB, CID, DGFI, NSI, PIO, Principal Secy, Ambassador -at -large
Board: Sayed Hasinur Rahman
Duration: 15-18 minutes
First choise: FA
Subject: English(DU)
1. About my present job
2. Home district
3. How many times I appeared at BCS exam?
4. USA China relationship
5. What is Ambassador at Large?
6. Who is the Ambassador at Large in BD?
7. What is the designation of diplomatic head at UN?
8. Elaboration of USSR?
9. Myanmar BD maritime dispute?
10. Difference between Ambassador & High Co-missioner?
11. Which country is the farthest in distance from BD?
12. In which Island the capital of Indonesia is situated?
13. What are the other designations of DC?
14. In which upazilla 'Kuakata' is situated?
15. Where is 'Jaflong' point?
16. An administrative term I have forgotten
17. About ST Coleridge poem 'The Rime of The Ancient Mariner'
18. Who won Noble prize in Literature & Oscar as well?
19.About Romanticism
20.' All that glitters is not gold' why the verb is 'is' here?
20. Some other questions I cant remember..
Board : Suriya Begum
Date : 14/03/2012
First Choice : Customs
Subject: Fisheries , DU
Duration: 10-12 Minutes
Questions asked by Suriya madam:
1. Introduce yourself?
2. Where was your centre of preliminary exm?
3. Write down the spelling of preliminary.
4. What is your first and 2nd choice?
5. Relate customs with your subject.
6. How much foreign currency is earned from fisheries & frozen food products?
7. Gotokal rate tumader campus a akta gondogol hoise seta ki jano?
8. Ki niye ata gotese ?
9. Tumi tokhon kothy cile?
10. Ki kortecila?
11. Kono english paper pori kina? kon ta pori? ( The Daily Star)
12. 3 din agee fish niye akta report ascilo seta ki akto bolo amake? (I couldn’t ans it)
13. Do you have any idea about exile government?
14. Who was the Head of the state of exile government?
15. Who was the Head of the government?
16. Port-folio of Tazuddin Ahmed?
17. Date of International Mother Language Day
18. When it was declared? Who declared?
19. When language movement started? Terminal stage of language movement.
20. Achievement of language movement.
21. Do you know Dhirendra nath Dutta? Who was he? From where he came of?
22. Contribution of customs revenue collected by NBR (I couldn’t ans it).
Date: March 14, 2012
First Choice: BCS Administration
Board: Suraiya Begum
External: Shyamal Dutta (Editor, Daily Bhorer Kagoj) & Unknown Person
Duration: 15 Minutes
QA form: English
SB: You have got Ansar Cadre in 30th, Right?
SB: What was the Choice Position?
SB: I think you are interested about Police.
SB to Externals: May be he (Me) is more interested to join in police cadre as he always choice the cadre in the upper position
Ex1 (SD): Will you join in Police cadre?
SB: Police your first choice in the 30th, wasn’t? [NB: They have the previous records and I know that]
Ex2: What about this time?
SB: Please describe yourself in English
[I had a sharp preparation on it and also some traps for them. I have a Post Grad. Diploma Degree in Disaster Management from Dhaka University. I told that, I took part in organizing various events in University and College Level. Our college is named after a martyr intellectualist.]
SB: Good. You have a good preparation. What types of events did you organize? Were you a sports man?
EX1 (SD): Who was the intellectualist? Do you know about him? Do you know his sons?
Ex2: So you are from Sociology?
Ex2: Did you hear about August Comte? Describe his theory?
Ex2: Did you hear about Maxweber? As admin is your first choice, describe bureaucracy.
Ex1 (SD): So you have some training on disaster management.
SB: No, he (me) has a degree on it.
Ex1 (SD): From where? Is it from DU, which department?
Ex1 (SD): Good. So what is your opinion about disaster management role of Bangladesh?
[Along with national, I told our role in Cyclone Katrina in USA and Recent Tsunami in Japan]
Ex1 (SD): What was the main risk of Tsunami?
EX2: Which areas were mainly affected during the 1970 cyclone?
SB: Ok. Then please ask him (me) about liberation war.
Ex1 (SD): Tell me details about the events of 2 days i.e. 26th March and 16th December
Ex1 (SD): Do you know about the war crime tribunal? Who are now under it (accused)?
Board: Ahsan samim
Sub: Agriculture
1st choice: admin
1. Name, district, subject, result,
2.abt district
3.thana, UPZ, HOW Many, Last.
4.GDP, agriculture er contribution etc. few question on agriculture.
5.Imp rivers of Netrokona.
6.famous place,why famous.
6. Tribal cultural academy, name?
8. some Q. on first choice,etc.
Date 12.03.2012
Board: Md. Hasinur Rahman
Duration 20-25 Min
FC: BCS (Administration)
1. Whats ur name?
2. who was declared the independent of Bangladesh
3. How did the mass people know the declaration of the independent of Bangladesh?
4. How many sector commanders are alive & Who are?
5. whats ur district
6. Who are the sector commanders in ur destrict?
7. Where M.A. Manju?
8. Another name of DC
9. What is the function of election commission?
10. What is Chilla? (Tableage Jamat related)
11. How many time do u give chilla?
12. Why Jamati islam don't give chilla?
13. What is the condition of recent province election of india
14. How many province congress are win and where?
15. What is the condition of Modhoprodesh
16. Why congress did not win in Modhoprodesh during last 20 yrs?
17. What sign about enclave during Manmahan singh tour
18. Why as a prime minister MS con't exchange enclave.
19. Have any rule in indian constitute about enclave?
20. How many muslim president in India & Who r?
21. Who was the shike president in India?
22. When Osama bin laden die, How and who were killed.
23. What is navy SEAL?
24. How many Chemical element has in human Blood?
25. What is the rebellious group in Spain
26. What is ruling party of England?
27. What is the Chancellor of exchequer
28. Have any prime minister in Germany, If not any what is called?
Date: 20/03/2012
1st choice: police
(Dept. of Soil Water and Environment)
Board: kazi nasirul islam
Time: 11 min
1. Climate related 1st conference ki? Er bangle and English nam ki?
2. Kotahi hoi? Aloconar bisoybostu ki?
3. Brasil er Rajdhani ki?
4. Climate related poroborti sommelon Kyoto protocol kotahi hoi?
5. Sommeloner bisoybostu ki?
6. Kon kon country sign koreni?
7. Details bolun?
8. BOD( Biological Oxygen Demand) ki?
9. Waterer ar ki ki test ase?
10. IEE and EIA ki?
11. Details bolun
12. E- Governance ki?
13. Example din?
14. Vision- 21 ki?
15. Union porisod tothyo seba kendro somporke bolun?
16. Ki ki seba deoa hoi?
17. Apnr poconder bisoy ki mane apnar ki korte valo lage?
18. Humayon Ahmed cara somosamoik 2 jon sahittiker nam bolun abong 2 ti kore uponnaser nam bolun?
19. Apnar 1st choice ki?
20. Ata keno 1st choice English e 5 line bolun?
Date: 25.03.2012
Board : Manirul Islam Talukder
Subject: Civil Engineering
1st choice: Administration
Introduce yourself & describe ur Educational background in Englisn?
Why administration is your first choice?
Relate it with civil Engineering with concrete logic
What are the steps of administration (Both field & secretariat)?
No of Secretaries & who is the secretary of public administration & Communication
Who is ranked highest as a secretary
Who is the present divisional commissioner of Dhaka
Who is the present Member of parliament & Upazilla chairman of your locality?
Write down sixteen thousand sixteen hundred sixteen in number
What is Shenzhen treaty?
How many sector were there during liberation war? Name the sector commanders
Who among them are alive
Who was the commander in chief of the joint forces?
Tiers of field administration
Name of the constitutional posts?
Important dates of March 1971
what is APC?
write Bureaucrat, guerrilla
Name of two Indian field marshals
Explain equity & equidistance
Who was the first general in Bangladesh army?
Name of wife of M A G Osmani?
Russian stance in liberation war of Bangladesh
Where is kalni river?
In 1954 cabinet Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was minister of which ministry
Who manages Wing,branch and section?
one of the principal authors of the Constitution of Bangladesh is from your college.Who is he and where did he completed his bachelor degree?
Dear Friends, Today I have taken my viva.Ques I was posed
Board: Wazed Ali Khan (Ex DG BTV)
First choice: Foreign affairs>Admin.>>>Health
1. Describe Yourself
2. Correlate your subject with diplomacy
3. What are the functions and responsibilities of diplomat
4. Some unique qualities that a diplomat should posses
5. Among those Which quality you possess?(I said it was patience)
6. Then prove it
7. Govt funded a huge amount to make you dr .Is not it waste if you switch over?
8. Name some port (where, why they important)
9. Some countries which were divided even couple of decades ago(I replied Yemen ,Germany, Vietnam)
10. What was the capital of two parts
11. Some lines (Mazino, Durand, McMahon…….)
12. Monroe doctrine, Marshal plan
13. Gunboat diplomacy
14. Some English epic
15. Full name of homer
16. E day
17. War criminal tribunal, under which law
18. Why USA titled their foreign minister secretary of state
Date 22.03.2012
Board : Ehsan Shamim NDC
Subject : Zoology
Duration : around 15 min
1st Choice : BCS ( Administration) Cadre
1. Whats ur name?
2. District konta?
3. Say something about ur district in English.
4. what is ur 1st choice?
(asked jst name, n asked abt my 30th BCS General Education cadre)
5. Sundarbon a duta notun projatir animal pawa gace,tader ki nam jano? hints dilo animal ta joloj...(parinai, may b dolphin celo,bt new animal ask korai confuse hoia gacelum, tai ans kori nai.?
6. BD er sonbidhan er nam ki? kototi onussched ace? 153 no onusched a ki ace?
7. Fundamental rights r fundamental elements of constitution er majhe difference ki?
8. Rokonuzzaman khan Dada bhi er jonmo kon jelai, kon grame, unar sisuder jonno prothistito songothon er nam ki?
9. Dr. Md. Shahidullah k celen? unar jonmosthan kothai?
10. Sadhinota juddho kobe theke suru hoi? Bongobondhur obortomane muktijuddho k porisalona korten?
11. Taj uddin ahmed er bari kothai, kon grame.
12. Writ ki? koto prokar? kotha hote writ jari kora hoi? (pari nai)
13. Hormuj pronalir East-West a kon kon country ace? (Iran r Oman jantum,sure hober jonno ektu tim nitei onno question a chole gacen)
14. Atlantic r Mediterranean sea er majhe sonjog kari pronalir nam ki? er khonon kari k?
15. Spain bijoy k koren? koto sale? (pari nai)
16. Atlantic r prosanto mohasagor k sonjukto kari khal er nam ki? (whole world er sokol pronali n khal er nam mone porlew panama khal er nam oi moment a amr kisutei mone pore nai :(...
17. Hazrat Muhammad (SM) kobe mokkha hote modinai hizrot koren?
Board:Monirul Islam Talukdar.
1st Choice:Police
Duration:10 minutes.
1. You Shankar Kumar Chakraborty-Yes sir
1. What is shankar means- Kallancar
1. Kumar means - Joubon Prapto
1. Chakraborty means- wise
1. why Police- I answered
1. Your districe , Upazila, thana and total population?_I answered
2. there is a idol in hindu religion, who is ha?- I answered Shybya.
2.There is a famous police department in europe? London Police
2. Yes there is another- I could not answered.
2. When our national flag showed fully- I answered 26 march, 16 dec, 21 feb, sorry sir I am confused another one. It may be in a muslim festival.
3. How many part of a gov. I answered 3
3. what is their work other than making law - I could not answered
3. What says 33 article- I answered
3.What is the exception of 33 article- I could not
3. How many amendment in our constitution - 15
3. What was 3rd amendment_ at first i said right. then again said wrong answer.
3. Which is the biggest constitution of the world- I said India
3. which is the oldest _ I could not.
3. why forign minister called secretary of the states- I could not.
3. What happened in 1861 in USA and India_ I Could not
3.What is PRB_ I answered
3. When it incorporated- I said 1943
3. How many volume of it_ I answered 3
3. Tell about 2nd volume_ I could not.
3. Do you know about medeterian sea- I said yes sir
3. Tell some countries_ I said in north: Italy, France, In south: Lebya, Egept, Tunesia.
3. Tell about the designation of police rank, _ I said perfectly.
2. Is there any female police in peace mission_ I said yes sir
2. when and where- I said in 2010, Hyeti.
2. There is a unique police battalion, What?- Female. (APBN)
2. Who is the commander of this battalion, male or female_ I could not. He returned female.
3. What is monoro doctrine- I said President Monoro(USA) declarded policy.
3. What was that - I could not.
1. definition of constitution and citizen?- I said but he add some new points.
Board:hasinur sir
Duration: 20-25 min
1.UN bagladesher esthahi protinithi k tar bari kothai?
2.Six point movement keno 66 ati utthapon kora hoy
3.70 election AL boro joyer karon ki?
4.Africa kon deshe coup hoise
5.Chattra league kobe prothistito hoy
6.potato green colour compound checimal nam ki
7.DC office ki name daka hoy
8.Bangbondhu somonthe ki janen
9.ajke ki sommanona dische,,,,,,aro aonek questions…………
My viva experience
Board:Ekram Ahmed Sir
Date:27th March
Duration:18-20 minutes
First choice: Admin(also selected in 30th bcs general education)
1.about big bang theory, eta je shotti tar proman ki?
2.rules of business ki?
3.political jobabdihita ki? kivabe nishchit kora jae?
4. ombudsman ki? er kaj ki? bd te ase kina? ekdhoroner naepal silo bd te tar nam ki?songbidhan er kon onussed e ullekh ase?
5.70 onussed e ki aase? ki ki karone sangshad shodossopod batil hote pare?
6.union porishod, upazilla porishad, zilla parishad er gothon abong kaj ki?
7.bpsc er gothon somporke kon onussed e bola hoyese? ki ki sangbidhanik protishthan ase bd te?
8.Nirbahi bivag er prodhan ke?
9. Ella mitro ke silen? tevaga andolon er bisoybostu ki?
10.notun 7ti prakritik soptashchorgo gulo ki ki?
Board: Hasinur Rahman
Subject : FA
Both Cadre(Civil Engg.)
Time :Apprx 8-10min. 2nd last person
1st ques. keno FA. bolte gelum chairman bolte dilona.bollo bzchi guider ans.
1. Describe Sino-US relation in English. Specially Taiwaner bepare sunte chacchilo. -parini.
2. Describe Russia- Georgia Relation. --parini
3. besh koekata ques serially bollo. konodin sunini.ans dite parini.moneo nei
4. Tumi Engineer. Bolo Syed Nazrul Islam Bridge kothai ? ----parini
5. Shahbazpur Channnel kothai? Shahbazpur ekta sohorer purono nam.seta ki? ----parini
6. India r ekta prodesh ache jekhane hinduderke minority kore ekta bill pass hoeche.seta ki?----parini
7. India te recently ekta rajnoitic bishoy nie alochona cholce?seta ki? -- external
8. Indiar present rulling party kon dol?
9. Padma bridger recent obostha ki?-- external
10. Dr. Yunus recently ekta recogniton peice.seta ki? ke diche? ---sesh ongsho parini.
11. WB er new president ke hobe? uni keno hobe? obama nominate korlei keno take president korte hobe? -----sesh ongsho parini.
12.Last ques by another external : keno FA choice dicho? bolte gelum chairman bolte dilona.unake bollo oisob guider ans sune ki korben? then ask korlo :Goutom buddher cheler nam ki?
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
Top of Form
Bottom of Form
Nasirul Islam
first choice: Customs
Background: Mechanical Engg
১. Brain drain কি?
২. তুমি জেনারেল ক্যডারে এলে Brain drain হবে কিনা? যুক্তি দাও
৩. তাহলে Customs এ এলে Brain drain হবে না? কেন?
৪. সকল যুদ্ধাপরাধই রাজাকার তবে সকল রাজাকার যুদ্ধাপরাধী নয়.... ব্যাখ্যা দাও
৫. তোমার পড়া দুএকটা বইয়ের নাম বল
৬. ওল্ড ম্যান এন্ড দ্য সী এর নাম বলায় রাইটারের নাম, দেশ, গল্পটি এবং থীম জানতে চইলেন
৭. সনেট এর কাছাকাছি আকারের এক ধরনের কবিতা রয়েছে এগুলো কী কবিতা?
৮. রাষ্ট্রীয় অনুষ্ঠানে জাতীয় সঙ্গীতের কয় লাইন গাওয়া হয়?
৯. তোমার এলাকার এমপি কে?
১০. এর আগে কে ছিল?
১১. তোমার বাবা কি করেন? কোন পোস্টে?
১২. ইংরেজীতে তোমার ক্যারিয়ার সম্পর্কে বল
১৩. মুক্তিযুদ্ধ সম্পর্কে জানো?
১৪. পরিবারে কেউ যুদ্ধ করেছেন?
১৫. যুদ্ধাপরাধের বিচার যে চলছে, এটা সম্পর্কে কয়েকটি দল বলছে যে বিচার সঠিক ভাবে হচ্ছে না। তাদের যুক্তি কি?
১৬. তুমি কি মনে কর বিচার সঠিকভাবে হচ্ছে? যুক্তি দাও
১৭. রাজাকার, আলবদর কমান্ডার কারা?
১৮. প্রতিক্রিয়াশীল এবং প্রগতিশীল রাজনীতি বলতে কী বুঝ? বাংলাদেশ প্রতিক্রিয়াশীল এবং প্রগতিশীল রাজনীতি দল কারা ? কেন?
Board : Wazed Ali, Time : 5-7 minit, FC : FA. 1. Tell 10 bodies of UN, 2. Tell 6 institution who are awarded Muktijuddho Sommanona. 3. Tell Train bridge and rivers name in BD.
Board: Rashida Begum
1st choice: Admin
subject: Agriculture
Time:15 mins
1.what's ur name and date of birth.(in English)
2.what is ur first choice?
3.Relation between admin and agriculture
4.tell us about some problems of BD
5.Give a speech on "swadhinota dibos" in English
6.about 7th March.this speech resembles with which leader's speech, tell us some lines of it.
7.Tell us about some agricultural research institute.
8.Where is BINA? which latest variety of rice is released from here? what is its speciality?
Date: 25.03.2012
Board: Farida Adib Khanam
Sub: Civil Engineering
1st Choice: FA
Q1. How your subject is related with your choice?
Q2. Tell your Educational Background.
Q3. Describe Climate Change
Q4. Global Warming & Greenhouse Effect and Formula of Ozone
Q5. What is CFC? Show with reaction how it is destroying Ozone Layer.
Q6. Define Buffer State, Satellite State and Police State with Example
Q7. What is Governance and Good Governance?
Q8. Define Corruption and Different type of corruption(nepotism and another one I cant remember)
Q9. How Upazilla council is formed?
Q10. What do you mean by citizen charter?
Q11.What happened in 1905, 1919, 1939, 1954, 1962, 1970 etc.
Ekram Ahmed
first choice: FA
Background: Agriculture
Questions were asked in English......
1. relates your subject with FA cadre.
2. what is the present condition of Syria.
3. What is the base of international relation of Bangladesh(constitution)
Ans. according to article 25: the state shall base its international relations on the principles of respect for national sovereignty and equality, non interference in the international affairs, peaceful settlement of international disputes and respect for international laws and principle enunciated in the UN charter and on the basis of those principles shall
a. Strive for the renunciation of the use of force in international relations and general and complete disarmament
b. Uphold the right of every people freely to determine and build up its own social, economic and political system by ways and means of its own free choice and
c. support oppressed people throughout the world waging an just straggle against imperialism, colonialism or racism.
4. About Noble prize...Who got the Noble prize in 2011. 13.
5. How many soldiers are working in UNO from Bangladesh?
6. About Amendment of Constitution....
How many amendments...which number r declared illegal by High court.
content of those amendment etc
7. about sports....
About Asia cup
World Cup
Date: 27.3.2012
Board: Bdg. Abidur Reza
First Choice: FA
Pattern: English+Bangla
Duration: 20-25 min
Sub: Agriculture (K.U)
1. Why u have chosen FA?
2. How u went to Seattle (Washington, USA)?
3. Did u know one famous person live their?
4. Why Seattle(Washington, USA) is famous?
5. What do u mean by diplomatic consensus?
6. If Syria falls now, will Iran attack there?
7. How many countries are belongs to ASEAN?
8. What’s the relation between USA and Myanmar now?
9. What’s the role of embassy?
10. How does u attract foreign investment in Bangladesh, especially from Middle East?
11. What’s the capital of Brazil? Do we have embassy in Brazil?
12. What’s the capital of UAE? How many states are belongs there?
13. Do have any idea of Padma bridge finance? What’s the condition now? Say specifically?
14. Say details about Asian highway? Who proposed it? Did Bangladesh Sign? What’s the condition now?
Board: Liaqat Ali Khan
First Choice: Administration
Subject: Civil Engineering
Duration: 15-17 minutes
1. Apni pass korsen 2008 akhn 2012 ato din ki korsen? Ato din a o Govt. Engineering job pan ni??
2. Apni Civil Engineer hoye o Admin keno first choice? (Ans d le Board chairman bollen tattik kotha bad ashol karon bolo, ashol reason to Power)
3. Primary level a Bangladesh onek student Drop out hoye jai. Ar reason ki? BD Govt. ae bepar a ki ki step niyese? (Ami ektu hesitate feel korte c lam boltegie to Chairman bollo j admin cadre der to valo ktha bolte parte hobe…)
4. Koto percent student drop out hoi??
5. Gram ar barite (Upazilla: Ajmirigonj, Zill: Hobigonj) a jaoa hoi?? Okhankar historical place ki ki??
6. Bangladesh ar kon kon prottonto anchol a giyechen??
7. Jamuna Bridge straight na kore curve kore keno kora hoice?? Engineering point of view theke kisu bolen.
8. BD ar present problem ki ki?? (Bollam j financial crises i.e high inflation, traffic jam.. mon a holo na j khub besi khusi hoilo)
9. Field level a admin ar tier gulu ki ki? Secretariat level tier gulu ki ki?
10. Sangbidhnik pod bolte ki bujho? Kon kon pod sangbidhanik pod? Ar specialty ki? (confidently jhara mukhosto ans d lam bollo j hoy nai….Minister naki sangbidhanik pod na……………bujhlam kisu e ata keno bollo?
11. 21st Feb 1952 theke March 1971 porjnto special event gulu date wise bolo.
(ami khub sonkhepe bolte chaise but unara theme protita event nia alada vabe ask korse i.e. 21st Feb te East Pakistan Governor k cilo? 1954 ar nirbachone kon kon dol Juktofront a c lo netader name ask korlo, Bangabandhur akta title clo 1952 theke 1966 sal porjnto lokjon dakto, ami bolsi Bangabandu r Jatir jonok upadhi chara onno title jani na tokhon ae title k k kothae kon year dise ta jante chailo bollam, ar por gono ovvothan day kobe jante chailo parlam na..)
Finally bollo j valo kore paper poro an keno?
Board: Farida Yasmin khanom
First choice: Admin
Subject: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)
Duration: 15-20min
1. Tell about ur choice list chronologically
2. Introduce thyself
3. Say something abt stomach of cattle
4. Beef fattening prog
5. Why do u use urea 4 fattening purpose despite of poisonous?
6. How does urea supply protein?
7. What do u mean by admin?
8. What r the difference bet audit nd account?
9. Why admin of ur 1st choice?
10. Tell abt ur father
11. Where were the location of 10 nd 11 no. Sectorin 1971?
12. Name of 2 border dist of BD with which there is no link with IND.
13. Name of visting place nd famous persons of ur upazilla.
14. How many numbr of upazilla has ur district? Tell the name of them.
15. Whats the recent achievement of BD? Briefly say.
16. Wht is notical mile?
Board: Ekram Ahmed
date: 4.4.2012
Duration: 12 mins
1st choice: FA
Subject: Soil Science
1. Some says that Bangladesh didn't win the maritime dispute, Mayanmar wins., state your logic about the dispute. (q was in bengali and asked me to answer in english).
2. External(female) : how u will represent ur country in abroad?
3. Hierarchy of F.S.
4. Why u read soil science,its importance in our country etc.
5. External(male): who is an ambassadar and a highcommissionar?
6.difference between agenda and convention.
7. Chairman- do u know Ila Mitra and Jahanara Imam? Who r they, their contribution.
8. How to attract FDI
4th april
board- rashida madam
1st choice - customs
duration - 12-15 mins
my subject- english
1) ki korcho achon...?
bangla quesn ask korbo, english bolba...
2) F.A , ADMIN chere customs keno? (aie ek tai ques ask korse!)
3) what is the elaboration of wco?(r ek zon member bollo)
4)where is the head office of wco?
5)bangladesh ki aie tar member ? hole kochon hoise zano kisu? ( r ek zon member askd) ...
6)2 times ask korlo , first n 2nd choice ki?!
7) chittagong koita customs house ache...?
8) sara deshe koita?
9) how do u less the dependency using new technical equipments..?(aie ta niya pechaise..)...bollo -2mi2 aie gulo mukhosto bolteso...but 2mar afford valo!
10) asia theke europe vag korse kon pronali ..
11)east bengal kobe east pakistan holo....
12)ek zon new modern english poet ar name bolo..
13) 50 years agae kono english poet ar name bolo
14)assistant commissioner hole , pore highest post ki hobe tomar? - ami bollam field porzaye commissioner...kintu bollo hoi nai! (ami confused..:/ )
15)kobor natok ar name sunso? kar lekha? bolo2 kobor natok ar mo2 english literature ek ta lekha ache..oie tar name ki..? ( name vule gesilam, special gali o khelam..)
16)customs niya r o 2/3 ta ques ask korlo, j gula aga matha buzi nai
17) what is anti dumping?(aie somoi ek member uthe baire chole gelo! abar aslo ek tu por!)
Board: Ehsan Samim
1st Choice: Admin
ques.1. what is ur name?
2. district er nam ki? thana er nam ki?
3. Say something in english about ur journey to psc office
4. BD er some big river er nam, origin and where meet with sea
5. difference btwn virus and bacteria
6. number of division in BD
7. Number of district in BD. koto sale hoiesey? age koto chilo?
8.number of cell in an egg
9. zillar khetab prapto muktijudda der nam ki
10.comilla koto number sector e chilo? sector commender kara?
11. Bangabandu er jonmo tarik kokhon? ati ki dibosh?
12. muktijudder khetab koiti?
13.comilla city cor. er mayor er nam ki? nirbachon somporkey some information
Board: prof. Rashida Begum.
Choices : admin. ,customs, tax....
Media : ENG & Bengali.
4.raise ur voice.we r nt ur enemy.tensed? b easy.
5. cadre choice list
7.Father's occupatio,designation,siblings,ur position?
8.(an external) : who is Arundati Roy?
9.why is she famous?
9.mention the book for which she got booker?
10.I think u r wrong.it is gods of small things?
11.is there any bangladeshi like her?
12.mention her name.
13.Anam or amam?
14.mntion her 1st book.
15.what's her latest 1?
16.have u read any of those two writers?
17.describe ur student life frm class 9 to now.mention dates,session,course duration,group,passing year,results ( both in gpa & in letter grade), ur special achievement in this period.
then he gives the floor to the 2nd examiner.
18."kobor" nam sunacho?
19. k liksen?
20. kon ghotonai?
21. eng lit. a arokom kono natok acha ki?
22. local govt. ki?
23. bangladesh a ache ki?
24. koy prokar ?
25. kono exception ace ki ?
26. nam bolo.
27. jak, eta ki mas?
28. ai mas er imp. ghotonagulo bolo.
29. bdesh er imp. 71 bolo?
30. (4th april bollam) 10,17 th bolo?
31. 4th april, 3rd april details bolo.
32. " a to deki soboy jane". achcha, bdesh a koy prokar sachib acha?
33. chronology bolo.
34. (pechanor cheste korcilan.tokon 1st xaminer bollen " o ka nijer moto bolta din .sob parba.jokon bollam, 1st sir bollan " bolcilamna parba.")
35. bd er swadhinatar ghosona patro er onno nam ki? vebe bolo.
35. swadinatar ghosonapatro'r onno nam nai.confuse korar chesta korsen.36.bolci "declaration of independence ". sir hasa disen.then next quest " a rokom r kothao acha ki?" .ans." u.s.a."
Board: Ehsan Samim
1st Choice: Customs & Excise
Pattern: English & Bangla
1. name
2.home(make mistake said chittagong ) ques in Bangla
3. other name of chittagong
4.About Chittagong (mixed up all the things)
5. about the great persons of chittagong especially master da Surya sen n Pritilata
6. About WTO
7. About Paskel Lemi
8.About Great Expectations & its heroine
9. Last lines of Shelley’s “We look before & after”
10.another line of a gr8 poet but I couldn’t make answer
11.Why customs is 1st choice?
12. They asked me to write cadre choice in English in a page
13.About VAT & its sector which products VAT is not allowed (last portion cant answered)
14.What I am doing now?
15.Whose type of our govt is?
16. About Budget? Can’t answer forgot all
17.Income of NBR from Ctg,Customs house?
18.About Tax
31st BCS Viva: 03-04-2012
Board: Ekram Ahmed Sir
First Choice: BCS (Administration)
Subject: Fisheries
Duration: 12 Minutes (1st Candidate of the Day)
ইকরাম স্যার:
1. বর্তমানে বাংলাদেশে মাছের উৎপাদন, চাহিদা, ঘাটতি?
2. মৎস্য সম্পদের সমস্যা সমূহ?
3. DC হলে মৎস্য সম্পদের সমস্যা সমূহ সমাধানে কি ভূমিকা রাখবে?
External: Male
4. What is ITLOS?
5. Full form of ITLOS
6. Tell something about ITLOS like a short note?
7. 'Bangladesh-Myanmar Maritime dispute'... what Bangladesh gain from the verdict of ITLOS?
8. How much sea area Bangladesh awarded?
9. What about the Maritime Dispute between Bangladesh and India?
10. How much sea area will Bangladesh gain from India?
11. When ITLOS gave it's Judgement?
12. Tell another international event of 14th March 2012 took place in Bangladesh?
13. Some question about Atorney General
14. Some question about the Ombudsman in Bangladesh
15. What about the Ombudsman act in India?
16. Describe recent development of Ombudsman in India?
17. What is the main problem of Bangladesh?
External: Female
18. খেতাব প্রাপ্ত একমাত্র বিদেশী মুক্তিযোদ্ধার নাম, জন্মস্থান, কোন দেশের নাগরিক?
ইকরাম স্যার:
বাবা কি করেন, ভাই-বোনদের মধ্যে বড় কে, ছোটরা কি করে...এই রকম পরিবার সম্পর্কিত কয়েকটা প্রশ্ন করার পর ধন্যবাদ জানিয়ে ভাইভা শেষ করলেন।
Date: 04-04-2012
Board: Sayid Hasinur Rahman
First Choice: Admin
Subject: Fisheries
Duration: 7-8 Minutes
Medium: Bangla
1. Name & address.
2. Why admin?
3. Zila te DSA bolte ki bujho?
4. ICDDRB er abbreviation.
5. BIRDEM ki? Protishthata ke?
6. Kuakata kon upozillay?
7. Next football world cup kothay hobe? Koto sale?
8. Grand slam ki?
9. America te football er moto ekta khela ase. Nam ki?
10. Eta tomar koto tomo BCS?
11. Ekhon ki korso?
12. Brammoputro nodir probesh mukh kothay?
13. Tista nodir probesh mukh kothay?
14. 16 december sign place er bortoman nam ki?
15. Ekhan theke sylhet jete hobe. Kivabe jaba- English e
Board chairman:Ehsan Shamim,NDC.
Board member:Dr. Munaz Ahmed Noor,Other unknown.
1st choice:Roads & Highway.
Subject:Civil Engineering.
Time taken:10 minutes
2)Home district?
3)Mention about your educational background in English.
4)Your hobby?(Answered as watching sports in TV)...:P
5)Which type of sport you watch?
6)Anything you do other than watching sports?
7)Do you read books?(Answered as read occasionally but read newspapers frequently)
8)Name the newspapers you read.
9)Do you read english newspaper?
10)Where did you live during study life?Hall or residence?(Answered as Ahsanullah hall)
11)Who is Ahsanullah?
12)Your 1st choice?
13)Major/Minor subjects?
14)Thesis topics?Supervisor?
15)ETP principle?Which principle you applied in thesis work?
16)Name different methods of water treatment?
17)Laboratory procedure of thesis work?How much the Detention time?
18)Which sample you used?(Answered as industrial water)
19)Do you use chemical treatment?
20)What is EIA?
21)Which environmental factors have to consider during road construction?
22)When culverts are to be constructed?
23)Differentiate between culvert and bridge.What is navigation?
24)Differentiate between hard & soft shoulder?(পারি নাই)
Viva board: Brig. Gen. Abidur Reza Khan, psc (Retd.)
First Choice: Administration
Board:u r a civil engineer I see.can u tell me in English how u r feeling here.U have come here at 9.30 a.m…and u r in front of the board at 3.30 p.m.share us the experience .
Me: My experience was not so good sir. It was a long waiting. Candidates were going one after another from this room and they were sharing their experiences. My tension was increasing with those discussions . I m already having a headache sir.
Board: then u will prefer to attend the viva as a first candidate, not last in the next viva if u get a chance.
Me: definitely sir
Board: let me ask u some engineering questions as u r an engineer. Which one is structurally strong? Flat plate structure or concrete structure?
Board: what is the reason?
Board : have u gone to BUET recently?
Board : u need to go there sometimes. A research is going on in BUET with the aforesaid question.
Board : there were different type of surveying
Board : ok,let me help u..there was a surveying which was related to the radius of earth?
Board : can you tell me the ph range of water supplied by wasa.
Me : as this water is not completely pure. Ph is not 7 definitely.it is around seven.
Board: if ph of water is less than 7 or greater than 7 then what will u name this.
Me: if ph is greater than 7 then it is called alkaline, and if it is less than 7 then it is called acidic.
Board: ur first choice is admin. U r a technical person .why do u prefer administration ?
Board : what do u think? Engineers can’t go to secretary level?
Board : then tell me some names who are secretaries as well as engineers
Board : na,tomar ans ta juktisongoto holo na.pass korar por ki korecho etodin?
Me : I have been working in a project named SZPDC project under the join venture of BUET and world bank for one year
Board: what was the topic?
Me: It was related to environmental engineering. Environmental feasibility study.
Board: what r u doing now?
Me: I m looking for a prestigious job.
Board : dekha jak tomar general knowledge kemon?tomar hometown kothai?
Me: rangamati
Board: rangamati theke dhorbo na,jani sob mukhosto kore esecho.r o ektu dokkhin e jai…bolo to st. martin er ekta unique boisisto ase .seta ki?
Me: desher ekmatro probal dip
Board :monpura dip kothai jano?
Me: vola te
Board : nijhum dip?
Me: noakhali
Board:meghna nodi r nam ki utpottisthole?
Me :borak nodi
Board :ei nodi bangladeshe er kon onchol diye probesh kore?
Me: sylhet er jokiganj
Board :pore kivabe meghna nam hoi?
Me : borak nodi duti prithok nodi surma ,kushiara hoye hobiganj er ajmiriganj e ese kalni nam dharon kore,pore kalni nodi kishorganj er voirob e ese puraton brommoputrer sathe milito hoye meghna nam dharon kore.
Board : accha borak nodir ek pashe mane deshe to jakiganj,india te kon jaiga?
Me : monipur rajjo eta jani.kon zilla mone porche na.
Board :titas kon nodir sakha nodi?
Me : meghna
Board : titas nodi kon jelai?
Me: barkhmonbaria
Board: khepupara ekta upozilla r nam.boloto eita kon jelai?
Me: patuakhali
1.What is ur birth date?
-Its 10.09.1983
2.What is 10.09???
-10TH SEP,1983
3.Give us a description of ur educational background in short.
7.As u r an engineer let me ask u some engineering or u can say scientific questions…..do u know about the present condition of the workers working inside the mine(khoni) in Chili??how many workers were there?
-33 sir
8.tell me the height of the mine.
9.ok suppose its 100 m……what is the atmospheric pressure at the bottom?
-sir,it can be calculated from the formula hpg….
10.ok……why roads and highway is ur first choice?
nowadayz traffic congestion and accidents are burning questions of the country.And I m very much eager to work in this arena…
11.Tell me in one sentence ,how can u lessen traffic jam in dhaka??
12.Thats nt an engineering solution.
-sir,u told me to ans in a single sentence
13.ok then,wht will be the way of decentralization?(ek jaigar manush tule niye onno jaigai diye asbo??)
-no sir,its all about establishing important and essential oraganizations in all divisions equally .
14.ok,now tell me some engineering way by which u can lessen traffic jam.
-We have lots of ways ,like seggregated bus lane,metro rail,commuter rail,flyovers etc.
15.Tumi ki jano ?amader deshe ekhon kono train chalu ache kina??jake amra commuter rail bolte pari?
16.Naryanganj theke dhaka,ache ekta..accha jak……paper pora hoi??
17.egula to boro boro shopner kotha bolla,chotokhato kisu bolo.
-private car k discourage kore public transport encourage korte hobe
-amader ekta basic problem ase,amader mixed transportation system,motorized r non motorized vehicle ek rastai chole…er bikolpo bebostha grohon korte hobe
18.(angul diye pasher rasta dekhiye)koi ekhane to mixed na…shudu motorized e cholche,tobu to jam hocche
-sir,beshir vag rastatei mixed vehicle cholche,r jam shudu ekta upay diye kombe na.onekgulo porikolpona eksathe grohon korte hobe.
19.age silicon chip toiri hoto carbon diye ….ekhon ki diye toiri hobe??after the declaration of nobel prize in physics in 2010
20.graphene ki?
-eta carbon er ekta form..ja oti khudro kintu soktishali
21.kotha theke abishkrito hoi ei graphene?
-pencil er sish theke
22.sobchae kom boyoshi kon scientist eibar nobel pelen?
-konstantin Novoselv
23.tar boyosh koto?
-36 bosor
24.tini kon desher scientist ?
25.accha,twin tower jokhon dhongsho hoechilo,video ta dekecho?
26.aghat korar por por e puro building ta soja hoye pore gelo,eita kivabe holo?
-protiti structure er e kisu vulnerable jaiga thake,ja fail korle puro structure ta fail kore,jemon(onguli nirdesh kore ) ei j beam-column joint ……eita fail korle building fail.(eita ami purai chapa marchi…….kono idea e chilo na….pore jansi j heat e still structure purotai gole pore gese)
27.tar mane hocche jara attack koreche tara o boro engineer.
28.bolo to ..PERT ki??
29.ok then CPM ki?eibar obossoi mone porbe
-onegulo way theke best way khuje ber kora
30.er elaboration ki?
-critical path method sir.
31.What is your father?
32.where was he working ?
33.ok,tomar kotha barta sune mone hocche tumi technical cadre e thakte khub e interested which is very good.take ur certificates .Best of luck
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