Model Test

Below is a computer generated random model test for BCS Preliminary Examination. You will need javascript support in your browser(Don't worry, all the modern browsers have that support). The timing is upto you to control. Each question has 36 seconds to answer.

1. Could I have a ___ of ice cream?
2. Antonym of the "Doctrine"__
4. 'Be that as it may' means
5. The hen has ____ ten eggs.
6. Synonym of - FRUGALITY
7. Synonym of - KEN
8. Select similar to: Handy
9. An antonym of 'advancing' is
10. "John isn't sure that the meeting will be held tomorrow." "But I _____."
11. The spider scrambled hurriedly ___________ a corner.
12. Antonym of DIFFUSE
13. Climate is a _ of the environment.
14. Synonym of - IMPROMPTU
15. Identify the correct sentence:
16. His father-in-law ...... him up in business.
17. I prefer tea --- coffee.
18. what kind of noun 'emotion' is?
20. To catch a tartar
21. Synonym of - HESITATED
22. In each of the following questions, out of the given alternatives, choose the one that best expresses the meaning of the given word:- Sporadic
23. Synonym of - REPERCUSSION
24. Benevolent - synonym
25. Fill in the blanks :What is the time ---------- your watch?
26. _ his earlierstudy,the Professor\'s new study indicates a general warning trend in global weather.
27. The expression \'Lingua France\' means:
28. He _ consciousness as a result of his hitting the car\'s dashboard.
29. He went “up” the hill.
30. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence. You had better ____ a doctor.
31. She is beautiful but she is __________ her mother.
32. ‘Bring to book’ means---
33. Antonym of MULTIFARIOUS
34. Antonym of - SYNTHETIC
35. correct spelling

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