Model Test

Below is a computer generated random model test for BCS Preliminary Examination. You will need javascript support in your browser(Don't worry, all the modern browsers have that support). The timing is upto you to control. Each question has 36 seconds to answer.

1. He objects ___ treated like a child.
2. Who did write first English dictionary ?
3. Our friends will --------- for two nights.
4. Find the correctly spelt words.
5. Glib -synonym ?
6. Select the correctly spelled out words
7. Choose the correct sentence:
8. .Choose the correctly spelt word:-
9. The examination ______ before I reached the hall.
10. choose the word or phrase that is most nearly similar or opposite in meaning to the word given in the question: BROCHURE-
11.  We opted _____ a reconciliation _____ the dispute.
12. When her schoolwork got to be too much, Pam had a tendency to ______, which always put her further behind.
13. It is too difficult to tolerate bad temper for long. which of the following phrases does best replace 'tolerate' in the above sentence?
14. Antonym of - REPEL
15. "To be, or not to be that is the question" - is a famous dialogue from -
16. He driinks half ____ glass of milk.
17. correct spelling
18. Choose the correct option: Even as harvesting was goin on ___.
19. Identify the wrong word/phrase "The" majority "to" the "news" is about "violence" or scandal.
20. He______before he was put in prison.
21. ‘Pediatric’ relates to the treatment of:
22. Raju will say to me, "I am your classmate".
23.   Imran (is having a lot of) coins. choose correct words-
24. what is the meaning of the word 'stanch' -
25. Pen is to poet as needle is to
26. The intensive search was conducted by the detectives to locate those criminals who ‒ .
27. Identify correct spelling
28. The invigilator was reading out the instructions.
29. Water boils ___ you heat it to 100 Centigrade.
30. Synonym of ' sticky ' ?
31. what is the noun of the Word 'Waste'?
32. Antonym of - VIOLENT
33. In each of the following questions, out of the given alternatives, choose the one that best expresses the meaning of the given word:- Omnipotent
34. Select the correct linking word to fill in the gap. “Read attentively………….you should fail in the examination.”
35.  Every man differs __ opinion __ each other.

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