Model Test

Below is a computer generated random model test for BCS Preliminary Examination. You will need javascript support in your browser(Don't worry, all the modern browsers have that support). The timing is upto you to control. Each question has 36 seconds to answer.

1. Choose the correct sentence -
2. Best alternative - One whose attitude is: "eat, drink and be merry" -
3. It was good ____ her to tell us.
4. It was so dark that the security guard could not see ------.
5. When her schoolwork got to be too much, Pam had a tendency to ______, which always put her further behind.
6. Say what kind of sentence the following is?- You always speak the truth
7. Find the odd-man-out --
8. The captain left the boat, because it ___.
9. correction - He said, every man should (look up) the future.
10. Noureen will discuss the issue with Nasir ___ phone
11. The bird sings sweetly. বাক্যে 'sweetly' শব্দটি হচ্ছে—
12. Choose the appropriate meaning of the idiom- Swan song
13. Rizvi requested Rini _ telephone to attend the meeting.
14. Fill in the blanks :What is the time ---------- your watch?
15. You're right ......... an extent. You haven't thought about the big picture. So, really, you're only half right.
16. Sarah couldn't meet us, ....... was a pity.
17. The study of ancient societies -
18. `Bootleg’ means to-
19. Some of my relatives have left -------- Canada ------- to find jobs.
20. I'm sorry I didn't TAKE IN what he said
21. Which one is the correct expression?
22. Synonym of - Malign ?
23. \'Animal Farm\' was written by _.
24. The noise level in Dhaka city has increased "exponentially". Here the quoted word means --
25. Which one is the correct sentence ?
26. Incorrigible - synonym ?
27. Which is the plural form of the word 'Hero'?
28. Emancipate - synonym ?
29. Synonym of - VENT
30. Identify the wrong word/phrase "The" majority "to" the "news" is about "violence" or scandal.
31. The man died _ over eating.
32. Find out the correct antonym of  the following word--'Prosperous'
33. Sentences can be broken down into:.
34. What is the antonym `Honorary' ?

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